Saturday, July 31, 2010

Happy 4th Birthday, Jonathan!!!!!!!!

This morning Chris and I were awakened by Jonathan running into our bedroom yelling, "Mommy, Daddy, Wake up! I'm 4 now! It's my birthday!" When did this happen? When did my Little Guy get so big?! Who allowed this?

Proof...He's 4!

We had all our neighbors/friends over to help us celebrate in the evening, but first we wanted to let Jonathan open his gifts from us.

From Clara...

A Cars sleeping bag!

He had to try it out right away!

I've never seen anyone get so excited over new underwear!

New t-shirts too!

A Toy Story one...

And a Lightning McQueen one!

A book of puzzles from Grandma Ginia and Grandpa Vic

And a new RC car!

Chris insisted that every little boy needs rockets and then spent the last few days trying to convince me they are in fact safe for a boy Jonathan's age...I'm beginning to think this is what Chris' wants for his birthday!

Jonathan's final decision on the cake was to 'pick one from the book', and this Thomas one is the one that caught his eye (even though I had already bought Cars supplies to go with the cake he was telling me all about wanting me to make for the last few weeks!)

Singing to the birthday boy!

Blowing out the candles

Gotta make sure you get them all!

Sportin' his new train rings from the cake!

The birthday boy gets the first piece!


More Presents from friends...

Cars Legos

A Lightning McQueen towel

More Cars



The look of a birthday boy who was too excited to take his nap today!

I can't believe he's 4! He has really come into himself over this last year. He is the most protective, caring big brother...and really good at playing the annoying little brother too! He is the most affectionate of my kids, and our 'class clown', never stopping until he gets a laugh. The perfect cure for a bad day for him, is a snuggle session with his mommy. The biggest belly laughs come from his play sessions with his daddy and Matthew. He is all boy, and marches to the beat of his own drum. He constantly professes his undying love with a "Mommy/Daddy, I wuv you." or "Can I keep you forever and ever and ever?" He'll start preschool in a little over a month, which is bittersweet for me. I'm excited about watching him grow (and maybe having some help in getting him to stop whining!), but I am scared of how much faster he'll seem to grow up with all the new influences of friends and teachers. If only I could keep him little a little longer!

Happy Birthday Jonathan! Mommy and Daddy wuv you four!

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