Thursday, July 29, 2010

Nightly Reports

With the new school year just around the corner, it occurred to me that we truly slacked off all summer. Clara hasn't read many books, and I don't think she's practiced her handwriting at all. So I came up with a great idea over dinner. She is constantly critiquing our cooking, "But I don't like that", "It's too hard", "Mom, your pork chops are better than Dad's", "Dad makes the best pancakes!", and tonight it was "That was good. Not as good as I thought it was going to be, but it was good!" I asked her if she was going to be a food critic when she grows up. After explaining what that is, we decided she could only critique our food if she did it in writing, so tonight was her first report:I'd say it's not bad for not practicing for 2 months. Not to mention, it should be easier to take her criticism when I know some good is coming out of it...even better when it's a favorable report!

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