Monday, August 16, 2010

Clara E. Stein, 1st Grader: 1st Day

Can this be? Am I really sending Clara off to the 1st grade today?
New outfit, new lunchbox, ready for school!

The 'Bearcat crew' (all of the school age kids on the street plus Alyssa)

Me with my first grader! I was so excited to be here for her 1st day this year. I missed it last year because I was still in the hospital after having Matthew.

Lining up just outside her classroom (Room 3)

Mrs. Cope's 1st grade class

Jonathan and Matthew sending Clara off to 1st grade

Dismissal, Clara gets a hug from Mrs. Cope

She said the 1st day was fun!

A picture with Mrs. Cope. We are so pleased to have Mrs. Cope this year. Everything we have heard about her has been very positive. We're looking forward to seeing what Clara can do under the instruction of a really good teacher!

This is what Jonathan and I did while we waited for Clara to come home from school.

Clara enjoyed her special afternoon snack. No, she didn't get to eat them all, but she was very tickled by the fact that they were Jonathan's suggestion! (I think he missed her today!)

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