Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Well Child Visits

This morning I took both Matthew and Jonathan in for their well child visits (a perk to having their birthdays so close, just one trip to the doctor's office!) Jonathan was in his usual rare form. He loves Dr. Gage and his nurse Mrs. Casey. Mrs. Casey is always in stitches when she takes my children's vitals as long as Jonathan is with me, because that's when he does his best talking. When we first got into the room with the scale, Jonathan says to Mrs. Casey, "This is Maffdew, he was pooping in your room." (Matthew had in fact dirtied his diaper while we were still in the waiting room, we changed it in the bathroom before being called back.) Mrs. Casey asked Jonathan, "Did you change his diaper?" To which he replied, "No, that's my mom's job." Thanks Jonathan!
Mrs. Casey proceeded to check all of Jonathan's vitals. After taking his height (40in), and his weight (39lbs), Jonathan said, "Don't forget to pinch my finger up" - referring to the pulse/Ox thing the clamp on his index finger.
After vitals, it was time for his sight and hearing tests. The sight test is given in the hallway. When Jonathan was taking his sight test, another little boy was standing next to his mom, checking out at the desk near the eye chart. Everytime Mrs. Casey pointed to a shape on the chart, the other little boy whispered the answers to Jonathan, who in turn whispered them to Mrs. Casey. She thought it funny, but kindly asked the little boy not to help Jonathan and then asked Jonathan to switch eyes. When she pointed at the next shape, she said Jonathan looked to the other little boy for the answer! He did pass both the tests, though I'm not sure how accurate the sight test really ended up being.
Matthew is still on the small side, weighing in at 20lbs 12 oz and at 28.2 in long. He's on a steady incline though and healthy as can be. Dr. Gage's office is much to small to bring a stroller into and Matthew is much too curious to sit still for too long, so I was letting him crawl on the floor in the exam room (a definite indication he's my 3rd child, never would've happened with Clara!) The whole time Dr. Gage was doing Jonathan's check up, Matthew continued to crawl all around and even when it was time for his own check up, he barely sat still long enough for Dr. Gage to get a good look at him. Dr. Gage's last words to me, "Good luck with that one!" Somehow that doesn't seem encouraging to me coming from the pediatrician once you consider how many kids come into his office every day!
Matthew has now figured out how to step on Clemson's back while he's laying next to the couch in order to climb up on the couch. Once on the couch, he climbs up on the back of the couch so he can play with the light switch on the wall. Unfortunately, Clemson is too old and too accustomed to the abuse to move the first time he's climbed on. Every day brings a new trick!

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