Monday, August 2, 2010

Happy 10th Birthday, Clemson!!!!

Today is Kimmie's 10th birthday. Hard to believe he's been a member of our family for that long. He is truly the best dog either Chris or I have ever had. Take into account this 90lb dog that can literally pull me across the floor with his teeth when playing tug-o-war, will let Clara and Jonathan win at the same game. Here's hoping we have another 10 years ahead of us!

This new toy was just one of his birthday presents today.

We also gave him a new collar, a birthday bath, and a can of dog food (instead of the regular dry food). In return, he gave us a glimpse of the frisky puppy he used to be as he played a good round of tug-o-war with me and his new toy.
Happy Birthday to the best dog a girl could have!

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