Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Just Peachy!

We just had to fit in one more family summer activity before Chris left today, so we took the kids peach pickin' -- YUM!!!!
Matthew was giddy with excitement!
We went to the same farm that we picked berries at about a month ago. They don't use pesticides so once again we were free to eat as we picked, and it was so delicious!
As you can see, the kids didn't waste any time digging in.

Even Matthew helped with the picking...

...and the eating!

We each ate about 4 peaches while we were there.

That's good stuff!

There were nectarines too -- the BEST nectarines I've ever tasted

None of the nectarines were fully ripe. They were all still a little on the hard side, but all sweet as syrup so we still picked a few.
12lbs later...

The kids helped put them on the scale and bagged them

The season ends on the 15th, we'll be making another trip back before then!

1 comment:

  1. i need to see if we've still got some here that we can pick - i LOVE a good peach or nectarine!!!
