Saturday, August 14, 2010

Challenger Soccer Camp

This past week the kids went to Soccer Camp. The base hosts a British Soccer Camp each summer which brings coaches from the UK to come and teach kids how to play soccer. We've heard about how much fun the camp is, so this year I signed up Clara and Jonathan too. (Warning: Lots of pics to follow - a week's worth!)

The 1st Day, before we left the house

Posing with their balls. Jonathan is trying to pose just like his big sister!

Warming up

The coaches introducing themselves Clara and Jonathan's coaches are the 2 on the left, respectively.

Listening to the Coaches' introduction. Jonathan was sitting in the back of the crowd, as you see here. When he caught sight of me from across the crowd trying to snap a picture he yelled, "Mom, I love you!" All the other mom's "Awww'd" and I tried to store that moment away for the time when he'd never be caught dead saying that in front of all his friends. I love that kid!

Clara's getting the hang of dribbling the ball

Jonathan's Coach playing a game like 'Red light, green light' where the kids had to sneek up on the sleeping dragon (coach) without waking him. Any time the Dragon awoke and looked around, the kinghts (kids) had to freeze in place.
Now playing a game like 'Mother, May I' - they played, "What time is it Mr. Wolf?" Each step they took, they had to dribble their ball with them.

Coming in for a water break

Huddling up, waiting for Coach. Jonathan's the one sitting up on his ball.

Clara's group (That's Clara in the black shirt standing right next to Coach Mike)

Learning how to stop the ball with her foot

'Simon Says' put your head on your ball (that's Clara in the middle with the black shirt)

Practicing dribbling the ball

Sitting on his ball again, waiting on Coach

I kept trying to tell him, there's no hands in soccer, but he thought otherwise.

Another game of 'What time is it Mr. Wolf'

Almost to Mr. Wolf....

Just a few more steps

Once they got there, 'Mr. Wolf' would try to eat them and steal their balls, so they had to dribble away fast!

Great Job Jonathan!

There's always time to be silly!

More practice dribbling

Clara's coach had them pair up and practice trying to kick the ball past their partner.

Looks like Kyra managed to kick the ball past Clara!

Clara's coach had them play a cool game of freeze tag. Two kids were 'it' and tried to tag all the other kids as they dribbled their balls around (the kids who were 'it' didn't have to dribble their ball)...

Once they were tagged, they had to pick up their ball and assume this stance...

Until another unfrozen kid kicked their own ball between your legs to 'unfreeze' you

Getting ready to scrimmage. (Each day ended with a scrimmage in which the kids were able to put together all the skills they learned in camp).

Go get it Clara!

The first day of camp was rough with Jonathan's age group (3/4 year olds). Many of the kids wanted their mommies and daddies, and attention spans were extremely short. So from Tuesday - Friday, Jonathan's hour of camp required parental involvement. Jonathan's camp was for only an hour each day, whereas the older kids met for three hours each day. This game, 'Cats and Dogs' was perhaps Jonathan's favorite, though it had absolutely nothing to do with soccer. The kids were given jerseys (tails) to stuff in the waistband of their shorts;they were the cats. The parents were the dogs. We had to chase our children around and try to pull their tail off. Jonathan giggled the whole time we played this game every day!

Weds was 'Wacky Day' where each child had to bring one wacky item of clothing. Jonathan chose to bring Clara's ladybug wings. His coach really enjoyed the sight of Jonathan running around with them on.

Often times during the water breaks, Jonathan's coach would kick the ball around and really show off some of the things he could do. Of course, as you can see here, this made the kids think he was some sort of hero - Jonathan was no exception!

Then we found out why the kids had to bring in one wacky item of clothing....

...That's what he gets for laughing at the sight of Jonathan in his ladybug wings!

A 'wacky' group picture

My little Soccer Ladybug!

Each of the older kids were placed on teams for the scrimmages, playing for 'the World Cup'. They mixed the diferent age groups to form teams that were evenly matched in both ages and skill. Clara's team was 'Ghana'. Thursday, she had to bring in a flag. The team with the biggest flag and the team with the smallest flag each got extra points towards the 'World Cup Tournament'. We set about trying to make one of the biggest flags. I helped Clara with the star and then let her fill in the rest.

The finished flag

She wanted a picture with me since I helped!

Last Day of Camp

Jonathan's group also got to bring a flag, just for the fun of it.

At the end of camp on Friday, the coaches presented the kids with a progress report.
Here's Jonathan giving Coach a high five!

Giving Jonathan his progress report

So Proud!

The whole group with their progress reports

Kind words from the coach.

At the end of Clara's camp, all the age groups huddled together for the coaches final words.

Clara receiving her progress report

Kind words from Clara's coach

My little soccer players

'Well Played from Coach Mike' - Clara got her ball signed by her coach.

The kids had a great time at soccer camp. I was impressed by how well the Coaches related to the kids. Each of the coaches was right around 20 years old. They travel all over the US doing these camps, teaching kids soccer skills and having fun with it all. My kids loved it, and the camp even peaked their interest in soccer. It was a great investment!

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