Monday, October 11, 2010

Dennis the Menace

For Columbus weekend, I was dying to get out of town. Chris heard how much fun I was planning in Monterey for me and the kids, and decided to come home for the weekend and tag along. It was so nice to have him with us, to relax on our mini vacation! As usual, we stopped to play at the Dennis the Menace Park for a little while every day.
We found out that Matthew REALLY likes slides.

Clara on the 'zipline'

Matthew giving it a try

On the slide

Did I mention he REALLY likes slides?!

He even tried to climb back up them!

Apparently, he's not the only one who likes slides.

Sliding with Mommy

That was fun!

Jonathan's turn!

The race is on!

Walking across the suspension bridge with Mommy

The 'Fast Slide'

On the 'zipline' with Daddy

Matthew thought this was pretty hilarious


'Wait up!'

Mountain climbing

Who doesn't like the roller slide?

Matthew and Daddy

It's a race!

...and a tie!

Clara's new hat

Going through the maze

Daddy and Matthew going through the maze too

Pole Dancing!

'Umm, Dad, I don't think guys are supposed to do this!'

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'...
Daddy found another pole to swing on

'Come and get it!!!!'

One last slide

Dennis the Menace

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