Monday, October 11, 2010

Monterey Bay Aquarium

On Saturday, we started the day off at the Aquarium. I've been promising the kids for a while now that we would go back. We had a great time.

Checking out the Sardines

More Sardines

Purple Striped Jelly

Moon Jelly

Moon Jelly
Egg Yolk Jelly

Black Sea Nettle

Black Sea Nettle

Pacific Seahorse

Weedy Sea Dragon

Weedy Sea Dragon

Leafy Sea Dragon

Sheep Crab



Sea Turtle


Sea Pen

Tube Anenomes

Sand Dollars

Sanddab (Can you find it?)

How about now, in the darker rocks?

Brittle Sea Stars

Leopard Shark

Bat Ray

Jonathan touching a starfish

Matthew found the kelp

Touch Pools


Giant Clams

Matthew liked to spin the globe

Jonathan's a whale

Pushing Buttons

Crayon Rubbings

Finished Picture

Clara's turn

Finished pictures

Wave Tunnel

Looking for fish

Still looking!

Pullin' on Eels

Happy as Clams

Jonathan's a fish

Sliding in the 'Splash Zone'

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