Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Beauty and the Beast

Last night Clara and I went out for a girls' night. I didn't tell her what we were doing as usual (the mounting excitement is more than I can take when she knows all the details). She was puzzled as to why we were going out on a school night. She thought she had it figured out Monday when she said, "Oh, I know! It's because the next day is Veterinarian's Day, so I won't have school." Unfortunately, when I bought the tickets, I hadn't realized that Thursday is, in fact, Veteran's Day, and she doesn't have school, or we would've gone tonight instead. I was trying to fit into my neighbor's schedule, increasing the odds that she'd be available to watch the boys for me. I did great with that aspect.

Anyway, we got dressed up and headed out for a night on the town to see the Broadway Musical Production of Beauty and the Beast here in Fresno! Clara was excited about having a reason to wear her Christmas dress from 2 years ago one last time before it's retired with the rest of the outgrown clothes. (We won't even address the day and a half I spent in search of black shoes that fit Clara properly to match the dress. We ended up borrowing them from a great friend!) When Clara saw I planned on wearing the outfit that I'd worn all day she said, "Hmmm, I guess that could be fancy enough." So I changed. She was pleased with my new choices.

All dressed up and ready to go!
We got there JUST in time! Not a minute to spare.

Clara loved it, but it started at Clara's bed time. She was tired. She so wanted to stay awake and not miss anything that she kept shifting in her seat throughout the first half so as not to fall asleep!

Intermission. We went out to the lobby to walk around to help wake her up a little. It worked! She was wide awake for the second half. She loved watching Belle dance with her prince at the end. What's not to love?

Back in our seats, ready for the show to start.

When we pulled into the driveway at 11:20pm! Poor thing, but such a good sport.

She was tired today at school. I explained the reason to her teacher when I went to volunteer. We had a great time, a little one on one time was just what she needed. Now Jonathan is asking for a special night with me as well...Let's see what I can come up with!

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