Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What's in the Envelope?

I posted a few weeks ago that I snipped the first few locks of Matthew's hair and placed them in an envelope...then I lost the envelope. I remembered putting it directly on the computer desk, without labelling the outside. Then I remembered a few days later I had needed an envelope and had taken that same 'empty' envelope that had been conveniently left out on the computer desk. So I've been racking my brain trying to figure out what it was I needed that envelope for.
I didn't remember addressing an envelope, so I was certain it hadn't gone out in the mail. I asked Chris if I'd sent him back to Fallon with anything in an envelope. He checked his bag and came up with nothing. I checked the envelope I keep on the refrigerator for box tops for the school. Nope. So I said something to my friend about it the other day. She threw out a few suggestions that I might have needed an envelope for...bills, coupons, lunch money...Lunch money!!!! That was it!
Clara typically takes a lunch to school, but a few weeks ago, in some confusion about Red Ribbon Week festivities, she got a hot lunch. I hadn't paid beforehand, so I got a notice in her school folder that I owed $2.25. Not having cash and not wanting to waste a check on such a small amount, I didn't send any money in the next day. That next day I received a second notice. So I got the money together and grabbed that envelope that was just laying out. I didn't think twice about it, and obviously didn't look in it as I placed the money inside. I sealed it, stuck it in her folder, and sent it in to school. The 3rd day Clara had a substitute, and I guess folders weren't sorted as usual in the morning, so I received a call from the lunch lady about my debt...I'll admit I was a little taken back by her persistence, but I let it go knowing I had sent the money in. I didn't even stop and think about the envelope for a good week after.
I am bummed to think that I no longer have Matthew's first snippets of hair, but it was very little to begin with, and it's not like I can't get more. However, I was mortified to think I had stuck it in an envelope with money to send in to Clara's school to pay for lunch. What she must have thought when she pulled out the money with that hair! I spoke to the secretary in the office about the mix-up today as I was signing in to volunteer, and promised I wasn't trying to make a statement regarding being hassled over a $2.25 debt! She thought it funny and promised to pass the story along to the lunch lady. She also seemed more upset than I was about no longer having the keepsake. A least I have a story to go with why I don't!

1 comment:

  1. oh that is TOO funny! you'll have to print the post out to include in his baby book...
