Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fall Festival

This afternoon, the other school on base organized a Fall Festival, so we walked over to check it out.
They had some huge inflatables and bounce houses. For some reason Jonathan wasn't interested in doing any of them. He typically likes them, but I think these were just too huge with too many people around. Clara, on the other hand, had no problem with them!

We found a tractor pulled train that Jonathan was interested in.

Riding with Clara in the Caboose!

Clara through the ping pong in a winning cup and got a coupon for a free fish!

Jonathan walked just about close enough to set the ball in a winning cup, but still didn't win a fish!

Picking a duck. Everyone was a winner here!
They had many other games, but as it started getting dark, it was too difficult to get a good picture. The festival was well planned. I'm sure the school raised a lot of money. The kids had a lot of fun and I got cool points for braving one of these busy events without backup (Chris)!

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