Thursday, November 4, 2010

4th Tooth

After the Fall Festival, we headed home for dinner and began getting ready for bed. Clara's been nursing a couple loose teeth for a while now, but a recent visit to the dentist made her more adamant about getting them out. The hygienist showed Clara her x-ray and how those permanent teeth are ready to take their place in her mouth, but she needs to make room for them first. Clara's always been of logical mind, and now that she understood the reason for getting those baby teeth out, she was gonna do anything she could to make it happen.
Before the festival she'd shown me and our neighbors how loose the one tooth had gotten, and we told her to yank it on out. She kept playing with it, but in true fashion she waited until it was bed time to really give it a go!
Working up the courage to yank it out!

First good yank, but no luck!
She tried for a good 20 minutes and finally, I sent her off to bed. A few minutes later she emerged from her room excited. She had pulled it out! This was the first one she had done on her own. She said she was afraid she'd lose it in her sleep and swallow it!

She was extremely impressed and proud of herself. She said, "I pulled it out myself! I'm so cool!"

The new smile. If she keeps working on that second one, she'll be asking for her 2 front teeth for Chrithmath!

1 comment:

  1. i LOVE the picture of the first yank! :) josiah hasn't pulled one out himself yet...too scared! :)
