Friday, November 5, 2010

Jonathan's Preschool Pic

We got Jonathan's class picture back today. I'm not much for the background, but the picture is cute!
Jonathan insisted on having a 'mohawk' for his pictures.

The class picture. If you enlarge you'll see some hilarious photoshop work. There is a child in Jonathan's class who is extremely shy. His mother stays for a good 30 minutes every morning after drop off, until he's situated. For much of that time, he's sitting on her lap. Once she leaves, he's OK - at least that's how it worked the week I volunteered. On picture day, he wanted nothing to do with getting his picture taken. Not for individual, or class photo. His mother tried all morning to get him to pose for an individual picture. The teachers only tried once for the class picture, then allowed him to come back in the schoolhouse with his mom while they took the class photo. However, if you enlarge the photo, you'll find him peeking out from behind his classmates, just in front of Mrs. Mary (the blonde teacher)! Notice that even with all that, my child is the only one not looking at the camera!

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