Monday, December 27, 2010


Just after Christmas Chris had made plans for us to meet up with an old friend, Pascoe. Chris and Pascoe went through Officer Candidate School (OCS) together just after Clara was born. In fact, Pascoe was the first person Chris met from his class when he went to Pensacola. (I knew I had nothing to worry about when Chris told me he met Pascoe and they were going to church together in the morning (Sunday)!) After OCS Pascoe was stationed in Pensacola with us, and was one of the few people who came to the hospital when I had Jonathan. He and Chris have kept in touch since then. Pascoe has since gotten married and started a family of his own. His parents live about 2 hours south of here, so Chris and Pascoe made plans to get together while Pascoe was visiting his family for the holidays.
The stomach bug had left our house, but not entirely. It left me with nausea and tinnitus that I could not shake, so unfortunately I sat this out too. Chris loaded all three kids in the van for a weekend of fun with an old friend. I hated not being able to catch up with Pascoe and meet his family, and even more, I hated not being able to spend this time with Chris now that he was finally home...AND on leave!

Over the hills and through the woods, to Pascoe's house we go...


The kids got to do all kinds of fun stuff (while Matthew napped back at Pascoe's parents' house)!

Uh-oh! Clara's driving!


Who doesn't love a tire swing?

Getting higher!

Not sure about this tire swing anymore!

Really not liking the tire swing!

Clara and Patrick (Pascoe's son)

Lucky horse shoe

Chris and the kids on a horse

Riding with one arm around each kid

Notice Pascoe's holding his hands up...that's right, Jonathan's driving!

Clara's turn

One of these things is not like the other...

On the fence

Petting the cow

Horse play!

Pascoe and Jonathan petting the horses

Pascoe and Clara with the horses

Come here. Let me kiss you!


Busy Beaver

Chris and the kids

Pascoe, Chris, Jonathan, and Clara

See what happens when your husband goes away with the kids on his own...Jonathan's shoes are on the wrong feet (he doesn't know how to tie on his own).

Cow skull

Let's see, the hip bone's connected to the thigh bone...

More bones.
The kids had a great time hanging out with Pascoe on his family's ranch. I wish I hadn't missed out on all the fun, but Chris really enjoyed catching up with Pascoe and the kids had a blast!

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