Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

Chris' parents decided that since we weren't heading to AZ to spend Christmas with them, they would come to CA to spend New Year's with us. They came for just a couple days, just long enough to ring in the new year and have some ice cream!
Each set of grandparents got one of the frames that the kids built and painted at Home Depot with this year's Santa pic in it for Christmas!

Clara showed Grandpa how she takes her Accelerated Reader (AR) quizzes on the books she reads. For Christmas Clara got the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, which she read at a rate of one each night and got a 100% on each quiz. This girl LOVES to read!

We should've known what we were doing, taking Grandpa to Superior Dairy last summer...he couldn't wait to take the kids back!

Grandpa's banana split

Not sure what the faces were for...but they're cute!

Matthew's first bite of ice cream

See him pushing me back so he can get at the ice cream on his own!

We would steal bites between giving him bites...

He would open his mouth and watch the spoon every time it passed him by!

I know what that dirty look is for!


We all scream for ice cream!

Who wouldn't love those faces!

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