Saturday, January 29, 2011

1st Real Haircut

Matthew's hair was getting long again so it was time to take him in for a real haircut...

'Before' (but after I'd already cut a few locks off the back to save...safely this time)

Already sitting in the chair like a big boy!

Ready to get started!

Love the face!

'What is she doing to me?!'

Trimming the front

'Yeah, I'm still cute!'

Daddy's trying to keep him happy!

He did great until it came time to trim around the ears.

You look mah-velous!

Cool Dude!

That wasn't so bad!

Big Sister approved!

Jonathan got his haircut, too.

Super Cute!


They gave us this cute card since it was Matthew's '1st' haircut!

Complete with a lock of his hair!

1 comment:

  1. Did you save a lock of hair for me so I will hae some from all three of them? I love Matthew's haircut. I still say he looks like your side of the family. I sent a picture of all four of the kids to Winnie Wimpling and guess what? She said, "Why, Jonathan looks like Bernadine's brother Bob." That's what I have said all along. You don't have to post any of this if you don't want to.
