Sunday, February 6, 2011

Jay and Silent Bob

Chris' squadron held a 'Hail and Bail' Saturday. For those not familiar with the term, it's simply a party where the squadron hails, or welcomes any new members and says goodbye to any members who are leaving, or bailing. Often these parties are themed. We've done 'white trash', 'ugly Christmas sweaters', 'the 70's/disco' and even 'old geezers'. This time the theme was a 'Hollywood' party. Chris and I went in search of an inexpensive way to dress up as a famous Hollywood duo, and here's what we came up with:
Jay and Silent Bob

Not everyone knew who we were until we refreshed their minds by mentioning the movies, so you'll have to think back to the 90's with movies like Mall Rats and Clerks. The costumes were inexpensive and perfect for us since Chris can be the louder, more vulgar one of the two of us, and I didn't have to say a word to be in character! Even better than that, I got to grow out my beard!

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