Sunday, February 6, 2011

18 Months

Hard to believe, but Matthew is 18 months already! Weighing in at 22lbs 15oz and 32.5 inches, he's a lightweight, but don't let his size fool you! He's my first kid with a real opinion. Clara has always been happy to go along with whatever you say. Jonathan is usually too far off in his own world to tell you any differently. However, Matthew knows what he wants and has no problem telling you, despite his limited vocabulary! He's only up to a handful of words: dada, mama, dog, here, ear, eat, no, go, uh-oh, and he'll even say 'cheese' when in front of the camera. Likewise, he knows a handful of baby signs (sign language) to get us by: food, drink, more, all done, diaper change, dog...we're currently working on help and thank you. Of course, he can also clap his hands when he feels he's done something worth cheering for, and wave goodbye, just after someone is out of eyesight, so that they never actually get to see him wave.
He is full of personality and fire. Certainly more of a handful than the first two kids, but I wouldn't have it any other way (except maybe when he's getting into everything around the house!) He just finally learned within the last two weeks that it is NOT appropriate to just throw your food on the floor when you've decided you're no longer hungry and wish to leave the table! He gives hugs and kisses when he feels like it, but often if you ask and there's an animal in sight, he'll give your hugs and kisses to that dog or cat instead. As of right now, he still lets me put him in the stroller or cart when going shopping. That won't last much longer, and Lord help me when that day comes! His favorite toys are cars and books. He likes to rough house and climb on things. Make eye contact with him, and he'll babble your ear off as though he's really got a story to tell. He's not too cuddly, so I cherish the moments when he'll sit still with me to read a book. He likes to stay busy, but does well entertaining himself. Thankfully, he likes to sleep just like his siblings, so I get a nice break from the busy guy at nap time. He keeps me on my toes and definitely fills the role of the baby of the family well.
18 months means time to get pictures taken again:

Big smiles! (He's working on getting in his molars and I think his canines, too.)


So Sweet!

'Who me?!'

Big Guy!

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