Thursday, March 24, 2011

Happy 7th Birthday, Clara!!!!!!!

My Baby Girl Turned 7 Today...and I had the most awesome surprise planned for her!

With the help of some awesome friends, we painted Clara's room while she was at school!

It just so happened that today was also kindergarten registration for Jonathan (I know! Where does the time go?), and it's the day that most of my friends volunteer in their own kids class, but that didn't stop them from helping me. My friend Courtney watched the boys so I could run and drop Clemson off at the groomer, pick up 2 dozen donuts, and register Jonathan for Kindergarten. Carrie helped me paint and kept me from losing my mind, then watched Matthew when he woke from his nap so I could finish up. Rebecca brought us lunch, so we could stay productive, but still eat. To top it all off, Clara's teacher, Mrs. Cope, also wanted to surprise Clara by having Chris and/or I come in with a birthday treat (2 dozen donuts with sprinkles!) Thankfully Chris was able to get off work just in time to fill in for that, but seeing as how I was losing my mind, I failed to send him with a camera!

From boring white walls to a Princess Pink!

She was so surprised. I think it's the first time she's ever been speechless. She finally spoke to say, "This is soooo cooool!" I was shocked that Jonathan didn't spill the beans before she got to her room. He was so excited to surprise her, it was almost more than he could stand! He also suggested that maybe Daddy could paint his room blue for his birthday!

Clara requested orange chicken for dinner - so off to Panda Express!

She insisted on wearing the birthday hat Mrs. Cope gave her in school!


Thankfully there were just a couple donuts leftover. Who had time to make a cake today?

Make a Wish!



Double Yum!

Me and the birthday girl!

Present time!

She had asked Jonathan for a pillow pet. We found a perfect pink and purple ladybug pillow pet for her!

Hugs for Jonathan

A card from Grandma and Grandpa!

Just Dance for Kids for the Wii

Clara had a great day full of surprises. For me, this day was just one more example of the fact that I couldn't be the mom I am without the support of my friends. Lucky for me, I have some awesome friends, which made it easy to make my special girl really and truly feel special on her birthday! She deserves it!

Happy Birthday Clara! We Love You!

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