Saturday, March 26, 2011

Pizza, Painting, and Party!!!!

Clara's getting to an age where she has a small group of girls she enjoys hanging out with, so we thought it would be fun to invite those girls to help celebrate Clara's birthday. Most of those girls have very protective parents, like myself, who aren't quite ready for the sleepover stage, so we had to think of something just as fun and easy. We invited 3 of Clara's best girlfriends to go out with us to Color Me Mine to paint some pottery. Unfortunately, Clara's friend, Eve, came down with a fever just before the party. Her mom was kind enough to stop by with a gift for Clara before we left.

I told Clara she could open the gift before we left.

Eve's little brother, Nicholas, made Clara this awesome birthday card!

Wow! Tangled for the DS!

It was Pajama Night at Color Me Mine, which worked in my favor. The kids wore PJs for a little added fun, and I didn't have to pay a studio fee!

Clara chose to paint a cupcake trinket box.

Maddy chose the same.

Giana was choosing more on size, so she went for the penguin!

Who would've guessed Jonathan would pick a car?! :)

Checking out Giana's work

Daddy and daughter (I love this pic!)

Jonathan needed a little help!

Giana finished her penguin quick!

Maddy had great attention to detail.

Rainbow Sprinkles!

Almost done!


Seven fingers up!

All done painting

Next, we headed a couple doors down to get pizza.


Still a little hot!

Somehow we got side tracked by staring contests. I think Maddy's got this one in the bag!

This one's any one's game



Cupcake thief!

Present time!

Dog Walker Barbie from Giana

A hug for Maddy

I don't even know what's going on here, but she's having fun!

Headbanz game from Maddy

Of course we had to play! It's basically that ice breaker game we've all played at some point, where you have no idea who/what you are and must ask your friends yes/no questions in order to figure it out.

A Goat

A Chicken

A Hamburger

A Shark and a mushroom

I wish i had a taken a picture of the crowd we drew by playing this game. Aside from all the laughs and giggles the tables around us, there also happened to be a baseball team in the pizza joint. I'd guess the players age to be about 8-10 yrs old, and every single one of them was crowded around our table watching us play. It was great.

We had a great time. The girls had a great time, and everyone was returned to there own house just before bedtime...with PJs already on!!!!

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