Sunday, June 19, 2011

Jonathan's 1st Dental Visit

I finally got around to taking Jonathan to the dentist for the first time. I know I'm way behind on this, but I have been debating for a long time whether to take him to the general dentist that Clara and I go to, or to a Pediatric Dentist, which would mean a 45 min trip to get there. I finally decided to make the 45min trek to Fresno to see Dr. Powell, and I'm so glad I did. In fact, I'll be switching Clara over to his office for her next appointment as well!

All ready to start. He was excited they knew he was coming and had written his name on his bib!

First, they needed some x-rays!

Finishing up with a polish

Fluoride time!

Clara and Matthew got to play in the playhouse in the waiting room while we waited for Jonathan to be done.

Jonathan did great! He sat nice and still, had no cavities and can't wait to go back. When he was done, they gave him a balloon, a book and a bag full of dental goodies! This dentist reminded me of the one I used to go to as a child and is exactly what I've been looking for. He spoke to Jonathan, not over him to me. He addressed both Jonathan and I before even attempting to take a look in his mouth, and took a few minutes for goofy chit chat before going on with the exam. I will gladly make the trek every 6 months to ensure that my children's experience with the dentist is a positive one.

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