Saturday, June 25, 2011

Shell Beach and Avila Beach

We've been dying to get to the coast this summer, but travelling the 2 hours to the coast with little kids sometimes seems a bit daunting. This weekend our neighbors were headed to the beach, so at the last minute we decided to tag a long.

We'd heard a lot about Shell Beach, so we went in search of it. I think we found it, but it was hard to say, and while it was beautiful, it wasn't quite what we had in mind.

Jonathan explored the 'cave' made by the rocks on the shoreline.


The beaches here are beautiful, but rather than fulfilling my beach fix, they make me miss the East Coast more.

Carrie and Belle helping with my kids (as usual!)

Chris found a crab and brought it over in his pocket.

Matthew loves the beach!

Looking in the tide pools for anemones and starfish.

Matthew wanted to climb on some rocks, too.

An attempt at a family picture

The best one

Just Jonathan and I

Jonathan, Clara, and I

Matthew was not into sitting still, but then, he never is!

He didn't seem to mind that the water was cold, we couldn't keep him out of it.


Jonathan and Clara

After Shell Beach, we headed just up the street to Avila beach where Matthew gave us some lessons on skim boarding.

Once again we couldn't keep him away from the water. His shorts and jacket were soaked and no longer doing much to keep him warm, so we took them off. Since our decision to go to the beach was last minute, we had forgotten to pack a change of clothes for everyone. In my defense, I didn't think we'd be getting in the water, the Pacific Ocean is always cold!

Once again, water temperature wasn't an issue!

Belle and her friend Maddie helped Clara and Jonathan make a sandcastle.

Clara and Belle

Maddie and Jonathan

Since Matthew had taught Chris how to skim board so well, he thought he'd give it a try!

After just a few tries, he got it...then decided to quit while he was ahead :)

Matthew fell while running from a wave

Clara and Jonathan had fun 'wave surfing'

It was great watching them play.

We finally had to pull them out of the water when their skin was red for being in the cold water. (Check out Jonathan's hands and feet!)

Hard to tell, but the kids and Chris gave Clara a mermaid tail.

She has legs!

We had a great time at the coast today. Thanks to the Coulters for letting us tag along. Can't wait to go back!

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