Thursday, June 30, 2011

Swim Lessons

Jonathan just wrapped up his second session of swim lessons. He did great once again, although it may be hard to see in this set of pictures. I don't know if it was for my benefit, if he was having a bad day, or if maybe he was not feeling 100%, but you would have thought that we were torturing him by putting him in the pool theses past 2 days!

Right from the start, he was fussing. Thankfully, he was at least still doing what was asked of him.

Back Float

Kicking on his Back

The first couple jumps were really rough. He kept complaining that Mrs. Mary was too far away. After a few jumps though, he was back to his jolly self...just in time for the end of class!


Swimming with his face in the water

His Favorite - Jumping off the diving board

and swimming to the wall!

Day 2 - same whiny behavior accompanied us to swim lessons!

Funny thing, when you jump in the water whining, you're more likely to swallow too much water!

Mrs. Mary was so patient with him!

I was so frustrated. After listening to him laugh for the last 2 weeks, only to go in to watch and see him be so fussy! I was so disappointed.

It's rough being 4 year old!

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