Friday, July 1, 2011

Teagan's Visit

Look who came to visit us again!

Crystal and Teagan came back down for a visit, and this time they brought the rest of Crystal's family. We had the privilege of meeting her parents, Tina and Rod, and her brother Matt.

Teagan and getting so big! She's so smart and so polite. Her mommy is definitely doing a great job (I was hoping some of it would rub off on Matthew!)

Playing trucks in the driveway

A juicy peach for a snack

She loved Clemson, and I think he appreciated having a little kid who was gentle for a change!

A great summer snack!

Chris took the kids and Crystal's family to the pool one afternoon

Look at Teagan swimming!

Kick, kick, kick!

Teagan getting a ride on her Uncle Matt's back

We discovered that Teagan REALLY likes sweet pickles, but only if she was allowed to pick her own out! We decided to see what she thought of dill pickles...

She obviously didn't seem to mind!


We had just a short visit here, but we'll see them in just a few more days...

at DISNEYLAND!!!!!!!

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